Chop Online Ecommerce


The Goal

When Perry’s Restaurant Group launched their eCommerce site in mid-2020 to keep up with changing times, they styled it to match their site which embodies their steakhouse feel - not the online marketplace appeal.

We aimed to redesign their site for a faster checkout while welcoming new customers and continuing to serve our established audience.


Product Vision


Bring our steakhouse quality to your doorstep.


Figma Assets


User Journey

The original journey for the online customer had to jump through 3 pages BEFORE beginning their experience. We reduced the number of clicks to get to the page and added “safety nets” for those who were new to the brand and needed an introduction before trusting the vendor. We created opportunities to purchase right away and to upsell while on their desired product.



Color Palette


UI Features

Part of the process to expedite the customer checkout experience was to create a quick view panel that allowed them to checkout or inspect a product with more detail.

The other addition was designing a product carousel feature that gave us the opportunity to tweak on the backend to serve based on the product’s popularity or suggest pairings for an upsell on another screen.


The Design